Sunday, August 22, 2010

Possible move checker module development started. Current version includes castling and en passant. Missing features:
- chess and mate checking
- pawn change
- rook automove after castling
- castling check if king is in chess during the process

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First working version of the board module uploaded. Moving of pieces can be tested. Be aware that no checking of rules implemented in this part and never will, this module is only an UI with capability of clicking and moving pieces.
In order to try the code read README.
Important note: in case you create a new, derived QObject from scratch and you add the Q_OBJECT line into the class-definition (to be able to create signals), you should ... no, you must qmake your source. If you don`t, you will get strange errors during compilation and/or linking. Strange means you won`t have any clue what the real problem is. For better understanding read Qt`s moc documentiton.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Code examples will look like this:


int main() {

std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;

return 0;

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Initial post...

Well... The reason this blog exists is simple: my friend and me are creating a program using Qt, C++ and skype on Linux platform (Yea, I know there are other distros but we use ubuntu.). I want to document the flow of the development in this way.

The project's "official" homepage is at sourceforge, that is the place where you can get the program if there is any version to download. At the moment the page is not reachable (reason unknown) fortunately there is no any playable version because the project is in early planning phase.

Hopefully my friend will join this blog soon.